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experiment update ?

it’s been a while since i last walked past this sign, but it’s still here. interestingly i managed to include a clock in the picture so i can add this post to two categores.
when will the experiment end ? where will it be written up. who gets to keep the lab coats ?

private prop-a-tree

here is an old tree propped up with metal sticks. how demeaning for this old tree to have to rely on a non-wooden metal post to stay upright.


z-beds are ideal if you need an extra bed temporarily. i wonder why people of the street haven’t been making better use of this technology ?

uniquely the same

here is a designer unique mini. and it’s designer unique mini twin. there’s another one in an adjacent street, but i would have had to move a few houses to get all three in the same shot. so i didn’t.




i went to Asda last night to get some milk. i had a great time. i didn’t take any photos whilst i was there, but there was millions of bizarre things going on. i think i’ll do another trip (if i can afford it) and blog the event in detail.
some of the highlights included a pair of shoes by the CD counter which looked like someone had simply stepped out of and left behind, multipacks of crisps spread around aisles (like they had been set free), bottles of alcopop-type drinks by the toilet rolls and, my favourite, a bra hanging in the last minute impulse-buy section with the chocolate at the checkout.
the guy doing the announcements about bargains of teh day was fantastic too. he should have been running a mobile disco for the over 60s. i even phoned jane up so she could listen to his comedy banter.
here is my haul (mostly consisting of light bulbs)

no smoking

the back lash against no smoking restaurants has begun.

don’t quite get it

someone hasn’t quite got the idea of postboxes. i didn’t check to see if the parcel was still there this morning.


remember laura ? she emailed me yesterday to tell me she was on the front page of a national newspaper yesterday. and so she was.

brotherly glove

here are some gloves from brother kev (husband of my wife’s sister). he was on a walk up a mountain/hill/incline and found them. so excited was he at his find that he phoned me from his windy external position
in his email he informs us that “All found on one walk, Sunday 21st March ‘04, Mothers day. During a walk up, I think it was called, sugar loaf hill, Great Malvern.”
Weekend to Malvern and rest 035.jpg
Weekend to Malvern and rest 045.jpg
Weekend to Malvern and rest 046.jpg
good finding kev. well done sir !

caution moving gate

i’ll get you a better picture of this sometime. it says “caution moving gate”. it brought a sad tear to my eye.

try BBCi interactive

here is a very reflecty window picture. it’s from BBC Bush House and shows a demo of the BBC Digital interactive channel. you have to press the buttons on the window and you can see it. only you can’t. because the monitor on the other side of the window is facing the wrong way. shame.

fire test

last time i saw this place it was not covered in firemen. today it was.
they were having a training exercise. it involved dogs at some point. i know this because a sign told me.
i was a bit confused at first because i ended up walking through the middle of the firemen on the wrong side of the security tape ! i then went round and back to the other side of the road to take this photo. this no doubt aroused many suspicions of suspicious behaviour.


here is a load of ice cubes under a tree:
here they are a bit closer up:
how funny i thought.
second later (and then a few minutes later when i took this photo) big chunks of ice started falling to the ground in the form of hail:
it must mean something ? but what ?

Do No Pass Go

i forgot to tell you about a book i read a few weeks back. it’s called Do Not Pass Go and is by Tim Moore. It’s a very funny book which takes you round the modern day streets of the Monopoly Board looking for glimpses of the past and takes some guesses at why they chose the various streets that they did.
read it if you visit london lots, not much or not at all.


it was story-time for kezia this evening and she pointed at her books and said “kezzy choose”. “of course” i said trying to be encouraging.
she grabbed something as quick as a flash and said “this one”. this would have been fine, only it was a shoe. my response was to take this photo. we both thought it very funny.
about 4 hours later i’ve realised that she was probably saying “kezzy’s shoes” which were on her bookshelf and not “kezzy choose”. oh well.
it’s her fault for not being able to speak properly.

DIY umbrellas

here is a cheeky shop which is selling bin bags as umbrellas. but at least they are being honest about it.