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school sale

someone’s obviously bought a school and is selling off the contents. teachers are £20 and children are £15. doesn’t say how much dinner ladies are.

end of the road

this was a car bridge until a few weeks ago. now it’s a danger to those below

date from a mate

richard sent me this photo from his car dashboard. it’s fantastic. you could wait thousands of years to see a date like this !

Q11: my favourite material possession

i’ve found this question really difficult to answer as i have so much stuff which i really enjoy but there’s nothing i would be absolutely gutted if i lost.
so, in the end i decided to give you a picture of my bass guitar for no other reason than i’ve had it for ages and it’s a nice red colour.
20 questions

cuppas for coppers

it’s tricky being a police man. all that running about and arresting people. luckily they have a catering corp who arrive at crime scenes and offer people a nice relaxing british cuppa.
“now you just sit down love, there’s a cup of tea on the way. there you go. now can you explain why you are carrying that blood stained axe ?”

street squiggles

remember this squiggle ?
well another one has turned up next to it:
to me this represents a massive rain cloud dropping rain on the earth. but i could be wrong.


some days i think my morning walk from paddington to tottenham court road is a little excessive. particularly when it’s raining.
rain is brilliant though. massive drops of water simply falling from the sky. excellent.

picture of the day

here is a street cleaner and a bus in the rain. i think it looks nice so i’ve given you a big version you can use as your desktop picture if you like.

(click for big)

ideal for spares

life is an education. especially if you are teacher. i have to make do with learning from looking. today i learnt that tellies won’t work if you leave them in the rain.

not even stamp mail only

postboxes are like open woulds and letters are like the salt we rub in to the wounds. the postmen are the skilled doctors who tend the wounds and make them well.
sometimes the wounds get infected as you can see here.
this mail box is for stamp mail only, which means letters regarding philately.
People aren’t as interested in stamps now we’ve got the magical Internet. for example, i’ve got a lovely collection of email headers nicely mounted in an album which i regularly analyse with a magnifying glass

black flower

here’s a flower i saw near paddington station this morning. it’s nearly black which is an unusual colour for a flower (because bees are scared of the dark and won’t go near black flowers for fear of being sucking in to eternal torment).
of course in the light of my office it now looks dark purple and is therefore a pointless slightly battered flower picture.