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primrose hill

i’ve never been to primrose hill before. i decided to go this lunchtime on another hour long exploring expedition.
if you get the tube from Goodge Street to Chalk Hill you can walk to the viewpoint in primrose hill then along the canal to Camden Market and then back from Camden station in about an hour. but you have to walk fast and get your photos quick !
graffiti on the path to prepare you:

now with enhanced biggernizzzation
read the story from the person who wrote these words here
the view:

click for biggenisation
i took a few photos so may attempt a panarama stitch together thing sometime.
and the canal:
i shall return to explore in more detail some other sunny day when i don’t have meetings …

water related signs

little children are very tricky when it comes to toilets. their response to needing the toilet is quite binary (they need it desperately or not at all). The waving the arms in the air thing is quite typical at the desperate stage.
this sign is very reflective of the moment:
and here is a drinking fountain which is lacking some ooomph. or perhaps the person needs to bend over a bit more:

how to avoid the congestion charge

an excellent way of avoiding the london congestion charge (and keeping your car mileage down) is to travel in to london in your car in the back of a lorry. like this chap. (there’s another chap in a car still in the back of the lorry if you look carefully)


this massive pile of stinking slops was on the floor outside Paddington Station. jane said she thought it was mayonaise. she could have been right.

jane on a train

jane has a meeting in london today so we travelled in together which was excellent.



odd job pete

we’ve not had an odd-job-pete update for a while. so here he is mending his watch.
do you see he’s got a needle and thread ? that’s so he can do a stitch in time.

blue bin cart

this bin cart is coloured in the same way as a police car. very mysterious.
maybe it’s the metropolitan police cleaning up the street of crime and other misdemenours.


my colleague john just sent me this picture he took of me working at my desk viewed from his desk. he’s such a cheeky chap.
i look deep in thought because i was.

speeding up the post

the great british postal system – the royal mail – has been under lots of pressure recently because of its poor performance. letters have been slow to be delivered and they’ve abandoned second post deliveries.
how can the royal mail ever keep up with the almost instantenous communications possible by email and txt msging ?
the answer is obvious. upgrade your vehicles to more sporty numbers. deliveries will get there quicker and it has the added bonus of attracking new recruits.
the man in the postal van was sitting looking longingly at this rather nice car. sure his van hasn’t got the speed and acceleration, but he can claim an advantage in height (i feel a game of top trumps coming on)

out doors

it’s so hot in london that people are spending more time outside than they usually would. there’s always those who want to make a statement and go one step further.
a few people have taken the phrase ‘out doors’ a little too literally.