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town gardens

walking down a residential street i spotted this rather nice gnome tableau. very attractive i’m sure you’ll agree.

bridge house

i thought this house looked good. it’s built in to the underneath of a bridge. it’s now slightly battered but i think that gives it even more character.

beautiful security

this is victorian barbed wire to stop people climbing over walls in to a house’s backgarden. vicious but very pretty.

a late train

i was on a course yesterday quite near to paddington station so i was able to get a train an hour and half later than normal. it’s amazing what a difference it makes to the quality of the customers.
my normal train only contains hardened commuters – those who want to be at work early, and often work late too (i see many of the same faces if i get one of the later trains home). Everyone looks well worn out and haggared, and hardly anyone talks.
the ratio of men to women is probably around 7:3. this became apparent when one morning we arranged a snog lottery for the passengers.
the later train i got yesterday contained happy smiley, very nicely dressed people who were chatting away. the ratio of men to women was probably 4:6 (but i didn’t do a proper poll). When we got to paddington people sprung off their seats and jollied off to their places of employment.
i think i have a late train attitude stuck in an early train body.
update: i looked at the ratio on the earlier train this morning and it’s about 1 female to 20 males. see how the memory distorts these things !


look how leftie is protecting rightie. lovely.


this seems to be a slightly younger version of this chap His jacket and trousers are much too large for him. great winkle pickers though.

big ben

my meeting/reception thing in whitehall finished around 8.30pm. as i came out i noticed the amazing summer evening sun shining on the houses of commons. i spent the next half an hour wandering round taking pictures of this amazing thing. hope you like.
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square dancing

i walked through trafalgar square last night and saw these chaps cleaning a glass stage. there are some seats underneath the stage so i suspect it’s a special underneath performance dance thing.
it looked very good (from my angle) but i had to make haste to reach my destination so couldn’t linger.

found passport photo

i really will get round to updating davescollections soon. i was thinking about this today and how i hadn’t found a photo for a few weeks. and there on park lane was this little chap waiting for me.
park lane has treated me well for photos over the years.
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might be a glove

might be a glove. or a sock. dunno. i should have gone and picked it up, but i didn’t fancy it. so i didn’t.

an old bollard

i’m trying to remember. is this what all bollards used to look like ? massive, heavy solid plastic triangles ? perhaps someone can help me here ?


this is a bit mysterious. it’s a green bollard with a red one hiding inside (see it poke out of the top). and look how the sign below declares itself.
truely a breathtaking
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anything (including bikes) goes

i’ve seen this sign many times, in fact i may even have posted it more than once. but this is the first time i’ve seen it coincided with the Anything Goes sign above.