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abandoned chair with a view

i found a few chairs in undergrowth on holiday. here is the first one.
finding abandoned stuff in the countryside is harder than finding abandoned stuff in london, but it’s also some how more rewarding, and often visually more attractive.

play park

we stayed in a village called Balmaha on the side of Loch Lomond. Opposite the pub and right next to our holiday house was this rather lovely play park. the girls loved it (Kezia IS loving the hammock swing, she’s just holding on tight!)
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pure reason revolution

ooh. remember the Pure Reason Revolution – I mentioned their single a few weeks back. well, they’ve just signed to Sony for a 5 album deal. they signed on the roof of the sony building and everything.
i think that’s a ‘good thing’

man and machine

here is my father-in-law on his sit on mower. he loves his mower and so he should ! more red and green colour coordination for those daily attending the blog wishing to see such things.

a week of music

tonight represents the beginning of the second phase of my two weeks holiday from work. this week we’ve got our church kids club. it’s already practically sold out and we’re expecting 250 kids each day i think ! it’s in a marquee on a school field. you may have seen the photos from last year.
jane is leading the music and i’m playing bass in the band in the mornings. afternoon is kezia/esther looking after for me.
here is the view of the stage with mike and music stands in a nice row. it didn’t look like that by the time we’d finished we’d finished with it.
those of a praying nature may wish to pray for nice weather, safety and the kids learning stuff whilst having fun etc.

village greens

enjoying today’s southern england sunshine (before it chucked it down with rain this afternoon) we went for a cycle ride and picnic on a village green.

it’s great outdoors

i loved scotland. and this shop summed it up nicely. it WAS great outdoors.
but it was also great indoors too ! (especially when we were visiting friends and relations, and staying in a lovely holiday house).

crazy type font

in my experience, which i admit is a bit limited, it isn’t very sunny in scotland. like ever. so i suspect these tanning shops do very well.
i managed to get a tan just standing by this flourescent tan with it’s nice 1980s graphics and type font.

glaswegian bollard

i spotted this bollard in glasgow as we drove by. it’s covered in a lovely mosaic which is probably a Roman influence (Ha-ha-drain’s wall isn’t too far away after all).


quite a general sign this one, but welcome (quite literally folks) neverthelessormore

the long journey continued

here is a rare sign of family togetherness on the journey. about half way in esther moved up front and i was relegated to the back with kezia. this worked much better and reduced my moanyness greatly.
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once we got to cumbria the scenery started to pick up:

… and dog signs too

service stations are great for dog signs as well as slippery signs.
here’s a door sign (from both sides of the door):
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here’s a dog sign on a stick in the car park:
in more detail here:
the opposite applies here:

a selection of slippery floor signs

so, you’re thinking of starting your own collection of slippery floor signs – but where’s the best place to start. well, let me tell you. it’s motorway service stations. full of them they are.
the strange thing is that motorway service stations are increasingly becoming photo-fits of each other, yet the one thing they haven’t standardised on is slippery floor signs.
here are a few examples. i didn’t take photos of ones i’ve already got. some are quite similar though so i’ll talk you through them:
a classic hollow body picture very similar to this one. possibly caught a few micro-seconds later.
at first glance this is the same as this one. but look again, don’t be fooled. the claw is gone and the person has merged with the puddle. it’s never clear on these photos whether the subject slipped on the puddle or produced it as a result of their fall (is it blood ?):
as above with helpful explanatory words:
the water on this one isn’t quite as deep as this one:
very similar to (if not the same as) the waitrose version. this one is certainly more in focus. the chap seems to be dancing the can-can (and therefore more likely to fall over). they are using the full space available to them:
finally something a little more tenuous. it’s indicating that cleaning is happening and therefore, by implication, slipperness may appear.

traffic jam toilet conundrum

so, what do you do when you are stuck in a massive stationary motorway queue and your two year old starts screaming at the top of her voice that she needs a poo ?
well, you put up with it as long as you can then you get your wife to lift up the 2 year old whilst your 5 year old inserts a potty under her bott.
you then wait patiently and hope that the matter in question is just liquid (and not a Preecy Egg“)
you then get the 5 year old to hold the potty steady whilst the 2 year old is lifted slowly up and lowered back in to her car seat.
meanwhile the driver (me) needs to be extremely carefully accelerating and decelerating as the once stationary traffic queue starts to finally move off.
i’m pleased to announce there was no physical spillage or loss of dignity in the process, though i fear the emotional scars may take longer to heal.