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an old horse

this horse in a play park must have a few storied to tell. it looks like it may have had as many repaints as it has had riders.
and it’s perfectly positioned to watch all these things passing.

the obvious ommission

swings too dangerous for kids ? it’s political correctness gone mad.

silently slipping by

please look away now
we saw one of these slide by above water whilst walking along, helpfully marked by its escort boats. there was a load of people in red clothes standing on the top – possibly having a last stretch of the legs and fill of the lungs before a few months of claustrophobia.
these things (i carefuly haven’t used their name or powering mechanism, but you can follow the link above) are strange anyway, but even more so when floating by for all to see.

people remains

it’s back to work tomorrow after 2 weeks off. the first week we were in scotland (by the way we are only up to tuesday lunchtime in retro-posts on that week).
whenever we go on holiday we always think about whether we would like to live in the place we are visiting. scotland was a bit wet but was incredibly beautiful.
my main concern would be whether there would be enough blogging material to photo. working in london is great for photos, but would the highlands be quite as good. nature can provide some fantastic photos of course, but it’s the human touch on life that i enjoy.
if ever we did move (highly unlikely in the near future i imagine) then i think rivers could provide a solution to my human remains problem. we took a walk along the Clyde in Helensburgh and saw all sorts of junk washed up.
here’s a fridge and a squashed buoy:
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Irn Bru

now here’s a remarkable thing – Irn Bru. On our recent trip to scotland we noticed Irn Bru everywhere. it’s the coca-colo (‘cocalola’ says kezia) of scotland.
i tried some at the loch lomond shores which was an irn bru only establishment.
look at the colour of the thing. i’m sure this is why the stereotypical scotsman has red hair:
they sponsor rubbish bins:
and kids play parks:
cans even wash up on the side of rivers:
oh, and i think it tastes horrid. but then i’m probably not man-enough to drink it or something.

friends for the day

our friends andy, gill, adam and luke came round for the afternoon and we had a lovely time. they arrived by bike:
andy looking like a monty python by the BBQ with his knotted hanky hat:

the band splits up

it was the final service for the holiday bible club this morning which meant the final outing for the band. he we are in action:
and here we are all sitting down:
and here i am for those who were wondering (with wig which looks like my hair used to look before i chopped it off nearly 2 years ago):

loch lomond shores

there’s a place on the south end of loch lomond called ‘loch lomond shores‘:
it’s very nice and you get to see a nice IMAX video and a very poor animatonic thing.
but the best bit is the view from the top:

a pie in the tree

i spent about 20 minutes trying to convince esther and her friend catherine that pince cones are in fact eggs containing baby mice. when they didn’t believe me i admitted i’d got it wrong (i’m man enough).
i explained instead that baby dogs came out of pine cones and if they came along very early on a sunny summer morning they would hear the pine cones popping and puppies flying out. they didn’t believe this either, but i think they enjoyed being smarter than an old person for a while !
on the way out esther pointed up at this tree and said “look mummy, there’s a pie in that tree”. and so there wasn’t. unless it’s a giant mushroom pie.


here are tony, tanya, liz, jane and numberous kids as seen earlier today

the vyne

a trip to the vyne today. it’s very nice and worth a visit if you are in the area (or even not as we aren’t):
and again with tony’s head in the way: