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tiny flower on a big street

i had to get down low for this photo. much to the worryment of passers by.
the flower itself was about 5mm long, so this photo is probably actual size.

decorated gates

i walk past the gates of the Wallace Collection every day but it’s never normally this exciting.
i suspect they’ve either had a fancy corporate event or a fancy private event. Or maybe they had an opening preview for their new collection which starts tomorrow (according to their website).
but i wish it was just completely for no reason. how fantastic it would be if everyone just decorated their front gates for no reason.
so that’s my challenge to you today. find and put up a fancy decoration on your house/flat/caravan front or on your desk at work.
when someone asks you what you are celebrating, just say “life itself” and do a little twirl.
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i walk from paddington station to tottenham court road in the mornings and i see a lot of stuff no my way. sometimes there’s a theme which only becomes obvious once i reach my office.
today’s theme was obvious quite early on. and continued throughout my journey.
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bollard people

groc sent me a link to a photo of people dressed up as bollards. how cool is that ! click on the picture to see a slightly bigger version (on the excellent bunchofpants photo collection site)

one million sandwiches

they gave away 1 million sandwiches last year. but is that good i wonder ? 1 million is a lot of sandwiches.
imagine if they all went to one person. initially you’d be pleased and they’d probably be some media interest. but quickly you’d realise the logistical nightmare which would result.
You could sell a few on, but time would be running out before the best before date expired. And then what ? I pity that poor person i really do.

a quick way to spend some money

if you don’t press the button correctly you have to pay £1000. that’s a lot of money. you’ll probably find that most tube trains stop at the station anyway.
it’s only the emergency trains which don’t stop which is why you need a special button. probably.

my favourite newspaper vendor

this lady sells newspapers outside St Paul’s Tube Station (why did Saint Paul need his own Tube Station ? Stations of the cross or something maybe).
anwyay, i’d seen her picture on another website recently so i mentioned this to her and she said in a really giggly voice “ooooh, i’m famous” !
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ricky gervais

i saw ricky gervais yesterday morning whilst walking to a meeting.
A bit later at the meeting one of my colleauges who also works nearby said he sees him most days. and he’s a regular Denis Norden spotter too.
ricky gervais
click for big

toilet signs

.watch out for the door .and “nibbles” .And Full Stops At The Beginning Of Sentences Instead Of The End
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a seriously wounded bollard


tombola or raffle ?

around the bins

how many times have you wanted to sit next to a bin for a while but had no convenient place to rest yourself ? well, i’d have had no trouble this morning if i’d wanted to sit next to this bin as there were not one, not three, but TWO seats provided.
if i’d sat there i would have pondered the circularity of throwing a dustbin in to the dustbin (as seen on the right of the left hand picture). i may also have been able to consider doing a little ironing (as seen on the right of the right hand picture)
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tiny goblet

i thought this was a fancy egg cup. but it’s got some stange compartment up the top, so i suspect it’s not.
i was particularly impressed by the effect the camera flash had on the pavement on the picture on the right. it turned bland tarmacadam in to shimering jewels. a bit like God does really.
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coloured bags in a lorry

i once worked in a restaurant as a commis chef. i hadn’t got a clue what that meant (and still don’t) but it did involve having to go on a council run kitchen hygiene course. so i’m qualified hygenic.
anyway, one of the important things i learnt was to always check your milk bottles for dead mice. another important thing was never to eat the raisins you find in the store room cupboard.
i also learnt that you need different coloured chopping boards for different types of food – cooked meats, uncooked meats, salads, mannequins, spleens etc.
perhaps these bags use a similar coding. perhaps not. but it’s a nice story anyway.

plastic flowers

here are some plastic flower petals on the floor. i included my boot-toes as i thought you might be interested.
if you aren’t interested in my boot-toes then just look at the top half of these photos.
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