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i love chocolate. in fact i think i am genuinely addicted. i have a king sized mars bar for breakfast and then various other confectionary delights througout the day.
and we always have a couple of massive bars of chocolate in the house for me. the girls aren’t really that bothered by it.
so i decided yesterday to give up chocolate to save money, my teeth and my health.
i plan to be chocolate bar free for 3 weeks. that’s the time it takes to kick a habit according to a random page i found on the internet. it wil be the mornings when i miss it most.
last night i watched as the girls ate the remains of my household chocolate store:

the best hat and coat in london

i saw the scooby doo movie on sunday night. walking behind this lady rushing for my train i became convinced it was scooby in disguise.
as i went past i stole a glance. it wasn’t.

coat in a tree

it’s a shame that all the leaves are dropping off the trees. so, how does a tree keep warm in winter ? simple. wear a coat.

levitating bollard

this bollard appeared to be levitating. it was actually standing on some netting. a bollard safety net no doubt.


i love the minimilism of this sign. two wiggles and a blob



a cool way to travel

someone’s parked their fridge up against the railings like the bikes along the path. i imagine the fridge isn’t the fastest method of travel, but in summer it’s aircon is fantastic.

hide and seek

if you like a challenge, DON’T play hide and seek with a fridge. they are rubbish.
i spotted this fridge playing with the letter box. the letter box is cunningly sneaking up behind him. but even if it had approached from the other side the fridge is pathetically badlyly hidden.
but then as we all know, postboxes haven’t got very good eye sight. so perhaps it would have thought the black/white/black combination of the fridge behind a black post was a vertical zebra crossing.


this trolley is watching some very mysterious cameras which were put up across the pedestrian crossing.
big brother (and his trolley) is watching you.





clive and heather

esther has a book called What Do People Do All Day?. it’s very good and makes you wonder … what people do all day.
our friends heather and clive run a professional chauffeur company called Executive Direct and transport people all over the place. clive was particularly excited this morning to tell me all about his new car, which seems more like a luxury ocean liner than a taxi.
i used to have a picture of it here, but i removed it for copyright reasons (related to archiving)