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pages 160

i’m still surprised to see new numbered signs at paddington, so i was delighted to see all these different Page 160s in Paddington yesterday on New Year’s Eve.

click to individual pictures to see slightly bigger versions which are still too small to read

sick animals

random slip of paper seen in the street. will the cat really be played by a kitten ?

click to inspect

christmas excess

brother kev ate too much fine food prepared by my sister-in-law over the Christmas period and promptly fell asleep on the floor in his son’s play room.
great choice of book.

hot drinks on a cold day

sister (in law) binky prepared a range of hot drinks for our boxing day walk (i’m a bit late with some of these pictures aren’t i ?).
she started by arranging the cups in a nice line. hot drink picnics always work best if someone has taken care of the estheticeness.
it was such a cold day that our drinks were very welcome.

click for big

my lovely wife

here is a gratuitous shot of my lovely, photo suffering, wife jane.

thomas on his bike

here is our nephew thomas on his maiden voyage on his christmas bike.
the grown ups were a lot more worried than he was. he was quite happy to throw himself on and off it at will.

baby sarah’s got a puncture

i’ve never really thought about ponchos. perhaps i should have.
i quite liked these matching ponchos which esther and kezia received from their grandma on christmas day. kezia misheard what they were called and ran around telling everyone she had a ‘puncture’.
our neice sarah had been wearing a poncho the day before which prompted kezia to shout out “baby sarah’s got a puncture hasn’t she ?” rather randomly during a meal !
and here is baby sarah (photo taken by esther):

word 12 – light: there’s more to life than christmas decorations

my mum sells christmas decorations to garden centres to sell to people like you and I.
she said yesterday “i need to remember there’s more in life than Christmas decorations”. which i thought was a good quote.
these people who live outside Reading might want to take my mum’s advice !

click for big version


mmm. i’m enjoying my last few days of confectionary eating fun.