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April 2006


what happened next ?

so, the scene is set. did the old lady really push her dog in a trolley in to the path of the cycle ?

butlins with my mother in law

if you’ve noticed funkypancake has been a little less interactive this week, it’s because i’ve been at Butlins. with jane’s mum (hello if she’s reading!). and it was jolly good. although the chalet left quite a bit to be desired. cleaning mainly.
going to butlins with your mother in law is a traditional british thing. it wasn’t just me and her. it was jane and the girls and some other families too.

fantastic shopping list

this list is fantastic. they belong to my school of sleplling which is nice. there’s so much of good stuff on this list so i’ll leave it to you to comment instead !

empty machine
it’s an empty fairground slot machine. which is a bit like an empty tomb on easter sunday ! see, i plan these things. it’s not just all randon you know.