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October 2005


you can never be too careful when you are a learner. this car already looks to have had some scrapes.

eat as much as you can

it would probably be wiser to do ‘eat as much as you like’ rather than ‘eat as much as you can’. the latter is asking for trouble.
and how can you have such an offer as a take-out service ? you could feed the entire neighbourhood and claim it was for yourself. And all this fun for just £3 !

pizza and poppins

yesterday evening (after a walk up some hills) we had a family pizza and (mary) poppins night. here is the pizza that kezia made for me – it’s my jolly face !

frog or toad ?
i saw this frog on the path near our house. (s)he sat very still whilst i took his/her photo
any idea what sort of frog/toad it is ?
i should ask frogwatch (which sells watches for frogs so they can tell the time)

Griff Rhys Jones

i had a feeling i’d see a famous person whilst walking to the station this evening. so much so that i took off my headphones and got my camera out, so i was all ready when Griff Rhys Jones walked out in front of me a bit further down the street. he’s a really nice chap !

box boy

i found this great box in our garage and decorated it with a nice smiley face to greet paul and liz at our front door. i used to share a house with paul when we were at university and such japes were common place.
unfortunately i ran up stairs with it on my head to surprise esther who was trying to go to sleep and stubbed my toe and made it bleed.
see how i suffer for my art.

paul and liz

paul and liz came for tea last night and we had a lovely time, but i forgot to take their photo before they left. so i ran down the street and paparatzi’d them through their car door (which is why they are looking a bit worried)

please ring

an instruction on a pile of rubbish

new transport plans

things have got bad on london’s tube network, with parts of it closed for maintenance. so they’ve laid on alternative transport, including these first class private booths which can be delivered directly to people’s houses. brilliant.

nothing is ever wasted

look how some has used an old cup as a handy cigarette dispenser. it’s a very convenient holder for a packet of ciggies.
please note, funkypancake does not endorse cigarrets – for health and spelling reasons.