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October 2005


esther is already better than me at spelling. but what a fantastic way to spell cement – ‘sment’. kids today are using phonetic txt-spk before they’ve got the hang of proper spelling.
one of esther’s friends writes esther’s name as ‘Sd’ which is quite cool.

on the edge of their patch

the cleaner on the left is eating a sandwich whilst watching the other cleaner removing a massive pile of litter on the other side of the road.

my 1000th 400th birthday

on the 1st December 2005 i shall be 1000 400 (measured in months from my birth). i think that’s quite exciting.
but how should i celebrate the occasion on the blog ? i think i need to start preparing now, so all suggestions greatly received ! something participative which involved you the reader would be good too.
have a think and let me know
my friend paul (an accountant) has pointed out that i’ll actually be 400 months old not 1000 ! oops. i’m sure i’m 1000 somethings though. i need a new battery for my mental calculator.
but, as paul points out, it’s still worth celebrating a 400th birthday.


the beauty and the bins

look at this bin. it’s holding a bouquet of flowers. but why ?
it’s trying to woo the bin on the other side of the road
and here’s looking from the other side


jane and i went to see Supergrass last night who were most excellent. the support was son of dave who was a kind of one man band which was … good to begin with but then lost its novelty after about three songs
i didn’t take too many photos as there was a very drunk chap sitting next to me spilling his beer, shouting and generally jumping all over the place in the seated area. i would have been annoyed with him, but he knew all the words to every song, so i think he was just a really excited fan having a great night out !



looks inviting ?
someone hasn’t rinsed it out

fitness magazines are rubbish

there’s a magazine publisher round the corner from my office and they occasionally leave interesting rubbish for the bin men.
here’s a good example. it’s a load of men’s fitness magazines with a note on top saying ‘rubbish’. i wonder if that was written by their editorial department ?

power plant

this chap doesn’t know his own strength and has smashed itself out of its shell.