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bunhill fields

i went to a meeting last week next to Bunhill Fields cemetry. Apart from being a really quiet place away from the bustle of the main street nearby, it’s also ‘home’ to a number of notable characters, including:
john bunyan (writter of Pilgrim’s Progress)
poet William Blake
Daniel De-Foe (writter of Robinson Crusoe)
there are many other ‘notable’ persons in there too. it’s interesting to look at the dates and compare them to when the Monument was built (following hte Great Fire of London in 1666). i had no interest in history at school, but it’s weird to be stumbling on all this stuff in the last few days and see they cover a similar time period (give or take a century).
even weirder is that we’re doing an Isaac Watts hymn in church this morning. The message of Jesus hasn’t changed in 2000 years so i guess i should be surprised that hymns singing about it are still going strong after just 300 years !
But it is strange to be singing songs that were written by a man whose 263 year old grave i walked by a few days before !
