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August 2005

new pages at paddington

for those new to funkypancake you may not know that i collect numbered posters. this started when i noticed that each poster in paddington train station had a page number on it.
i’ve never seen the book that these giant pages (about A0 size i think) come from, but we have seen a number 57 before, but it looked slightly different. Probably a different book.

and this one is page number 5 which is quite intriguing. must be a new book.

web dog sign

here is a dog sign has been graffiti’d and posted to fantastic website Pictures of Walls. this one is here
sarcastic dogs.jpg
i found it via Russell’s blog (Russell reads this blog i think, so “hello Russell” if you’re passing).

many uses for chewing gum

look at all these things you can’t do with chewing gum. you can’t smoke it, eat it, drink it or drop it. at least not in this hall. thank you !

derwent water

one afternoon we walked round Derwent Water with the girls. it took a while but was worth it.
i’m not great at landscape shots, but i took a few to practice. here’s some flat water

drinking john

as regular readers of funkypancake will know, i’m rubbish at sleeping and sitting still. on holiday i got up at 4.30 a couple of days and went to bed around midnight most nights. there’s just so much to do in life isn’t there ?
anyway, if my mornings were all about taking photos, my evenings were all about chewing the cud whilst supping the crud with john. we even found a secret passage which brought us out in to the basement of a pub !

just golfin’s about

crazy golf is our favourite family sport. it can be quite a dangerous one too of course.
here i am going for a hole in two watched by my ever-suffering daughters.

eventually it went in the hole

and then kezia grew incredibly big on the last hole

life update

you probably wouldn’t have guessed, but life in the funkypancake world has been quite busy

i had a week off work to play in the band at the holiday bible club

then we went up to Keswick in the Lake District for a week. i’ve got about 200 photos to post from that holiday (out of the 2000 i took). you can look forward to that !

somewhere along the way i had a birthday. i had two cakes – one was a candle shoved in 4 squares of chocolate, and the other was a candle shoved in a small ice-cream.

then we came back and went to the celebrity wedding

somewhere along the line esther got two guinea pigs

and jane got a new tent

and work became stupid busy because of this

so, that’s why i might not have replied to your email. sorry about that.


i thought i already had a category for headless photos, but i can’t seem to find it. anyway, this was a deliberate photo for that category which now exists.
the concept being that in the digital world there’s no excuse for ever publishing a photo like this as you can bin it straight away. i like the idea of deliberately making them instead.

old cars

were cars ever actually shaped like this ? probably one for the older readers

dr pepper and a bendy bus

i’ve no idea what flava dr pepper is. pepper i suppose. what a hideous drink idea.

open plan bollard

it’s no coincidence this one looks like an exclamation mark !