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6,000th post (ish)

i’m not sure quite how the numbering will work out but this is around my 6,000th post on the blog and we’ve just passed the 4,000th comment mark too !

if the stats are to believed funkypancake got 32,000 unique visitors last month equating to 47K visits and 48GBytes of traffic.
walking wise i’ve also just gone over the 3,000 miles / 5,000 km mark.
how long have you been reading funkypancake ? long enough to remember lazy eye when i first published her ? why do you keep coming back ?


5 thoughts on “6,000th post (ish)”

  1. The reason I keep coming back is that it’s fun to see the world through someone else’s eyes. Also, seeing notable things that aren’t always noticed is always a good thing as we tend to wear blinders during the daily grind.

  2. i think i’ve been reading funkypancake for around 2 years maybe? it’s been a long time.
    i like to look through someone else’s eyes too, not only their eyes, but their cultural lenses as well.
    and you post some fun stuff.
    and you also keep me in a steady supply of computer desktop pictures (that people always ask about).
    keep on posting. 🙂

  3. I found you only a month or so so, but come back daily as you make me see the world through different eyes.
    you remind me of what it is like walking down the street with my son (aged 18 months to now, 3)He will stop and closely inspect things, like manhole covers and the patterns on them and notice interesting patterns in the way a stone lies – I like being reminded of that

  4. i’ve been reading fp for at least a few years now. i keep coming back because you make me snort/laugh in my cubicle ALL the time … this keeps my colleages at bay. and i LOVE your photos. i miss living in london so much – your day to day photos keep london close. thanks.

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