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April 2005

trapped cousins

esther and cousin thomas trapped behind bars

funkypancake makes the national media

can you believe it, but funkypancake is featured in a national magazine this month !
Dogs Today magazine has done a special feature on dog signs and funkypancake features quite heavily (thanks to Mark the journalist for the excellent write-up)
you must rush out and buy a copy. it’s the May 205 issue you want, priced £3.50 (three and a half pond starling)
and there’s a rather nice quote i shall treasure:
“[funkypancake] has a lust and zeal for life and all its quirks that those with far fewer worries in the world could be quite jealous of. From the mundane to the mad, the interesting to the absurd, [he] captures moments and objects that few of us ever notice … and perhaps don’t need to.”

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hunstanton cliffs

i got up at 6am most days on holiday to do some marathon training walks. as the sun got up so did i.
on the first morning i walked between Heacham and Hunstanton along the promenade.
i turned round when i reached these cliffs (although i carried on much further on subsequent walks).
have you sponsored me yet ? It’s next Sunday you know :-/

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all ears

here’s a weird dog sign. if you stare at it long enough its mouth starts to look like two ears.
it’s actually a dog barking in to the air with a mouth like a beak !

quick exit

were you looking for one of these ? if so, you can borrow this one.

wedding crowd

i’d planned to go for my last long walk before the marathon in windsor park on saturday. unfortunately the pope’s funeral meant Prince Charles moved his wedding to saturday and my walk got off to a very slow start as i battled through the crowds.
i decided to make the most of the event and get a few pictures.
here are some of the wedding watchers

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the big crowd

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enthusiastic salesmen
father and son (this pictures says more about british society than any other i’ve taken i think !)

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no dog poos near windsor castle

i don’t know if you noticed, but we’ve been on a family holiday for the last week. i’ve got literally hundreds of photos stockpiled including quite a few new dog signs.
but today i offer you this new dog sign which was on a lampost outside windsor castle. it’s a pity charles and camilla didn’t walk by as i took it, but you can see the media centre in the background.
this sign is for all those who’ve come to the blog as a result of the Dog’s Today feature (which i’ll tell you more about tomorrow)

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security messures

these mispelt signs were all over the bins in windsor

flags on palaces

i learnt a new thing last week about flags on royal palaces. i always thought it was the case that if a union jack was flying it meant the queen was in residence.
however, it’s only this standard flag here which means she’s actually in the building. the union jack is just general decoration.
apparently the queen’s standard is raised as she enters the building and lowered when she leaves to go off to one of the other palaces.
so now we know.

the media

i was amazed at how many media people were at the wedding in windsor. there was almost more cameras than people. and certain more foreign TV channels and well wishers than UK ones !
is this a catapault to get people in to the castle ?
photographer’s dark room
random interview
and then there were the obvious media stunts like this one from the London Dungeon