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August 2004

up against a brick wall

they’ve replaced a wall with a brickwall, rebricked it and now want you to divert yourself by climbing up it. don’t these road menders have any sense of gravity ?
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emergency dangerous structure response vehicle

in my view, if there’s an emergency, the last thing you need is a dangerous structure brought along to add to your worries. yet this is exactly what this lorry claims to do.

oh dear

are these things bollards ? i dunno for sure. i’d say they are. bollards holding barriers.
anyway, whatever they are, they’ve all fallen in to the road.


here’s a very sad thing. it’s a red rose that’s been abandoned and walked all over in the rain outside paddington station. there’s definately a story behind this.



be lucky

a do it yourself fire exit sign

italian coffee

i went to an italian restaurant today with a colleague. the management were obviously obsessed with coffee and had put signs up all round the room and in red on the bottom of the menu warning about people having milky coffee with their meals. it’s tone was very aggressive.

update: due to popular demand, you can now click the image for a bigger version. however, i didn’t expect you to read it when i took it so i may need another trip to get a better shot. pizza anyone ?

floatation devices

i’ve been in two places in the last few days where the wearing of floatation devices was a possibility. in both cases i’ve considered putting my life jacket on prior to an emergency so as to be ready in case the unlikely event happened.
jane, my wife, suggested this might cause panic on both the airplane and touristy canal boat so i left them tightly packed away for their own safety under my seat.
it seems community police(wo)men have opted for the safe approach. here are two with their life jackets round their backs. they were also quite reflective of my camera flash.


maxx sent me mini 263 which he saw on his recent trip to london. i feel this blog has many eyes and i like it.


these inflatables are in a window leading down some stairs to what i assume is some kind of recording or TV studio.
one morning (before cameras began) i saw the Edge from U2 appear from this door, and another time i spotted (and photo’d) the Sugarbabes when they were at number 1 in the modern hit parade.
today it’s just inflatable sea creatures.

tim westwood

i’m not sure whether this is top DJ tim westwood’s car or simply a car which advertises him as a person. it’s covered floor to ceiling with his name.
i’m thinking of getting one done for funkypancake. maybe not.