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what do i do all day ?

my job is regulation (this story only get more boring …)

i read a lot of very boring documents from the likes of oftel. my job is to work out the relevance for my company so we are forewarned of any badness coming our way and can take advantage of any opportunities offered.
here are some good words and phrases i’ve come in to contact with in the last few days:
* ex post facto audit
* fettering of discetion
* Critical Friend
what a loaf of nonsense. (spelling mistake accidental, but quite good)


4 thoughts on “what do i do all day ?”

  1. Dave
    I’m still working at Latham Architects in Derby, where I now live with Caroline, my wife.
    Its a long time since we were in touch.
    I am sitting at my computer where it is no longer lunchtime and I really must get back to doing some work.
    I now do all my drawing on computer, using Vectorworks 9.5 on PC. We have got an eMac at home as I am not really into computers…
    Could you email me with your personal email address so that I can send you a letter about all that has been happening this year. My email at home is grhodes@[]
    Best Wishes to you all

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