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giant satellite dish

i wonder how many people get injured with these things dropping off people’s roofs and walls ? probably none. but that doesn’t make it a silly question does it ?
i asked this question to Ask Jeeves and he suggested i went to a website on Iraq War Deaths. So perhaps it’s a problem over there.

abandoned printer with manual

this printer was dumped near a chemist shop. i was particularly pleased to see they had thoughtfully left the manual, power cable and one of those funny old fashioned printer connection cables you don’t see any more in these days of USB printers.
that kind of thing makes things so much easier for the casual technojunk recycler.

Uninteruptable Power Supply

here is an uninteruptable power supply i saw outside an office this morning.
i guess someone interuppted it by throwing it out their front door.
these things are good, but they’re not magic.