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beware of sudden noises


sorry if you are inconvenienced by our sudden noises.

the text in black would made an excellent slogan on a kid’s t-shirt

3 man 2 man 1man

3 man 2 man 1man (and his dog shep) went to mow a meadow


the horn


i really like this shot.  i had to kneel in the road to get it whilst cars were whizzing by.  it’s a bike horn on tottenham court road.  that’s goodge street tub station in the background behind the taxi.  took a few shots to get this one right.

i’m so used to writting up the details for my Open University course i nearly went in to a spiel about choice of ISO and shutter speed.  see how much boredom i’ve saved you !

the clinking clanking game

right, watch (and listen) to this to get started:

ok, that was the intro.
now watch this and see if you can guess which man hole cover(s) each vehicle is going to run over (if any). i stood in the rain for ages watching traffic go by. here’s some of what i saw (and heard)

the sound of the escalator

this is an escalator near the hotel where i stayed in brussels. here’s a video of it. listen to the sound it’s making.
doesn’t the beat remind you of Blood Makes Noise by Suzanne Vega (from 99.9F)? It did me, so much so i’ve downloaded the best of Suzanne Vega to revise some of her songs.
actually, now i listen to the song and the video, the link is quite tenuous, but at the time it worked.