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cross bones graveyard


work colleague harry recommended i track down the cross bones graveyard about a year ago.


i finally got there yesterday


it’s quite a place. in fact it’s just a fence.  what lies behind is a building site at the moment.


read more here


and the bonus was a geocache where i picked up this delightful travel bug !


london at its best

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this chap in the parker was acting very randomly by the horse guard near, er, horseguard’s parade.  the poor guard was looking a bit freaked out.


luckily mr parker had brought a selection of old lady shopping trollies with him.  it took me back to my younger days when i would do something like this for hours on end for no apparent reason.  oh happy days.

guess the landmark


i think this is probably quite easy, but can you guess the london landmark ?


bank holiday activities

i googled for ‘bank holiday activities‘ and the second suggestion was back to funkypancake. what are the chances of that ?
anyway, jane and i used our home-alone bank holiday saturday to go up to london to visit the photography exhibition at Tate Britain then go on a guided tour of the houses of parliament.
i go in to the houses of parliament for meetings quite regularly but it was excellent to do the tourist thing and understand some of the history of the place. it was also very cool to be able to stand (we weren’t allowed to sit) in both the house of lords and house of commons in amongst the famous seats.
probably not one for little kids, but if you’re having a grown up day out in london, definitely worth an hour of your time.

enjoying the view

(i wasn’t sure which one of these i liked best ! once again, i’m greatful for any advice – i think the one with the bike in feels nicer but i don’t know why !

china town

unberleevably, i wandered through china town for the first time last week. i don’t normally do west to east at that latitude. or perhaps i just didn’t notice before as it wasn’t covered in paper balloons.
so here’s a photo with a random posing tourist for your enlightenment just in case you’ve never been either.

spring has sprung

spring sprung this week. on thursday people were sitting out having their lunch all over london and it was great. here are two people eating noodles with st paul’s in the background