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building a gunk tank

so, how do you build a gunk tank to drop unpleasant substancies on someone’s head for the entertainment of the assembled masses ? follow the instructions here of course !

soft play in henley

there’s a new soft play place opened up in Henley on Thames and we went along yesterday to check it out. it’s very good and if you’ve got kids aged 0-8 it’s worth a trip.
the staff were really friendly and there was loads more than just the soft play stuff (eg painty, watery things, trampoleny things, dressing-upy things, a cafe and – how inspired is this – wifi for parents to use whilst they are there)
[shame they shut down, but hey ho. apologies to anyone who made the trip unnecessarily]

inviting nightclub

my nightclubbing days are well behind me, but i was intrigued by what the inside of this place would be like. it’s looks rather domestic from the outside !

bored of telly ?

are you bored of telly ? well you can go to this cobblers and watch straps and batteries being fitted

barn dance

we went to a barn dance last night with the girls. they enjoyed it immensley.
i’m usually a dreader of such events, but i quite enjoyed dancing with little kezia. her (age 3) and i (aged older than that) are on the same wavelength and were able to help each other along quite well.
here are some dancing partners waiting for instructions:
here are vigorous dancers having fun:
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esther invited jane and me to take her to a pantomime. we went out for a meal before (see here) and then went to the theatre.
i’m still too traumatised to talk about it. so won’t.
if you don’t know what a pantomime is, go here. Bonnie Langford was in it.