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hotel details

carpet doesn’t fit leaving little carpet nails sticking up:
smell of sewage in bathroom comes from here:
chipped sharp bit of tile in the bathroom:
hotel under wraps
a welcoming entrance

arab strap

arab strap are playing in stockholm tomorrow night at a place called debaser which i think is about 15 mins walk from the hotel. hoorah. doors at 8pm if you are interested in joining me there.

the doors

i came to stockholm 5 or 6 years ago. at that time i was collecting pictures of doors. what a strange chap i was back then. here is a door:
stockholm has lots of great doors. they are very big on doors. big on big impressive portals.


stockholm is rich picking for gloves !
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gamla stan

pretty street in stockholm old town. taken with a cold, but steady hand


i won’t go in to details of my toilet experiences on the plane, but here is a sign i saw. not a clue what it means


study this man’s head in detail. i did. for two whole hours as he reclined his chair in to my face on the flight.


the screens in heathrow have very small writing. so small you have to be standing right next to it to read it. i suspect it’s a rooooos to make us buy binoculars. but we didn’t so ha.

heathrow fire safety

here is a cardboard box in heathrow airport marked “fire safety equipment”. I guess they hope the cardboard will burn first and let the fire fighting equipment loose. it’s a cunning plan …

other stuff

when i get better internet i’ll tell you about:
¤ the flight – eating, a book review, strange noises and bald heads
¤ the total quality hotel i’m staying in …
¤ the number of gloves i’ve already seen (3)
but you need pictures. it’s what we all want !


stockholm is very cold. it was a bit drizzly earlier but it’s now cleared up (that was for all you swedish weather watchers ¨ i know who you are !
swedish keyboards are good as they have extra letters like öäå
i shäll try ånd supplement wherev€r i cän.
cool hotel claimed the håve bröadbänd in the rööms. unfortunåtely i spent twö höurs when i årrived trying to måke it wörk. they even moved my rööm tö öne withöut åny windöws, but even the läck öf light didn’t make it wörk.
sö here i åm sitting in the hötel bår using their public mächin€.
i’ll try ägåin in a möment as nö rööm access, nö pictures and i’ve alreådy göt söme småshers
ooh, i just found a button whïch püts thöse fünny thïngs övër vöwëls. ï mïght gët öne öf th€s€ k€ÿböårds¨ät hömë.
and thêrês alsö thës€ chåräcters: ¤ ½§


off to sweden today. hopefully update later when i get there …

tate modern

after a meeting today i popped out for lunch with an ex-colleague. rather than fill our faces with unhealthy food (me) we decided to walk over to the Tate Modern and look at the new installation. It’s most excellent.
here is me
here is someone on the balcony
and here are some other people

st paul’s

do you see what i did to get this picture ? when i take pictures around london people stare at me more if i’m wearing a shirt and tie (especially my wooden tie) than if i’m wearing my street-casual-down-wid-it clothes. i suspect they think i’m doing something official. which i am. i’m the funkypancake official blogger.

gloves galore

lots of gloves spotted this morning in different places. possibly the first two are a pair:
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glove finger tip (for precision work?):


greet each other with sounds of an animal. chickens, cows, sheep and frogs are a favourite. it’s an international language we can all speak.
and why not point to their shoes at the same time for added effect (optional)

Boy 34 is found

well, here is a thing. the identity of one of my found photos was revealed. i met Boy 34 this evening. He was submitted by a work colleague last December and now appears to work for the same company as me.
Boy 34 this evening:
found photo, december 2003 2002:

a coincidence or made up non-truth ? dunno at this stage …