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socks ?

when i took this photo i thought it was a glove. upon further inspection in the comfort of my own home it looks more like socks


pizza made by esther. we were all so proud.

lift survival kit

this whole office survival thing is going too far. i called the lift just now and it arrived full of tools. hammers, saws, power drills etc.
some lifts just have an emergency phone. but what were they thinking. i’m a danger to myself with my DIY (don’t injure yourself) skills.

pay on foot

pay on foot sounds very monty pythonesque. i balanced 20 pence on my shoe. luckily i didn’t have a car

three legs good

i once wondered crafted a phrase which i shall share with you now
“That’s not a table, it’s a backless widechair”
you can use that if you like.
a three legged chair can be a good thing, but only if you lay the legs out correctly. there is something to learn for us here.

fantastic sun rise

there was a great sunrise this morning. real end of the world stuff.

tab ends

when i used to live in sheffield i used to help our at a breakfast project at the cathedral for the homeless and needy. it involved getting up at 6.30am i think which was quite early for a student who had been dancing at the discoteques until the early morning.
anyway, there was a chap who used to come along who lived in the local mental hospital. every morning he would ‘escape’ and end up at the cathedral for his breakfast.

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a busy busy day

i’ll be here there and everywhere today. hopefully nothing will go pie-shaped.

glasses in a bowl

here are three glasses containing soapy water sticking up above the bubble line in the sink. they had a certain beauty in real life which is somewhat lost on this small photographic version




a tree in hyde park

life is a bind

odd job pete showed me how to bind a document today. i chose to bind a copy of the RIPA. Pete taught me well and said “you can do this bit, it’s easy” or words to that effect.
i inserted my document in to the squasher and ended up with this mess:
after a happy 10 minutes unpicking the metal bits, pete himself inserted the document and got a perfect result. i didn’t take a photo of pete’s one as it was too good.
i’m doomed to a life of hamfistedness


kids and parents guide to keeping safe on the internet


i know you like pictures of random people, so here is another one.
this is a man who doesn’t work in our building. he works in another building. but he turned up here today. and he was quite soggy hence the kagoool

boot update

i have a very complicated ritual for breaking new boots in. Today i’ve gone back to my old boots until my blisters get a bit better. The beauty is that it allows my old boots to have their last few journeys and gives them a chance to remind me how comfortable they had become.
unfortunately, because it’s chucking it down with rain in london, my 40 minutes walk to work also revealed how holey they are. the result is soggy feet which will probably end up infecting my blisters and i’ll have to have my feet amputated.
one good thing is that the rain has washed all the mud off.



robbin on a stick

not sure what to do with your old christmas cards ? how about cutting the pictures out and sticking them on to the end of a stick so you can terrorise your colleagues ?

modern building techniques

i know there is at least one architect who reads this blog fairly regularly.
Perhaps someone can explain how they manage to construct offices entirely of clouds. Here is one such building on Euston Road. Is it all done with mirrors ?

death on the tube

in this modern world of daily threats, many people have taken to finding other ways of travelling which don’t require you to be squashed in to a little metal tube in a tunnel way under the city.
of course, it’s still one of the most efficient ways of getting round town so people still use it.
it’s against this climate of fear that i was interested to see a sign which reminded people of the possibility of death on the underground (if they open the door which links carriages)
Death is something we don’t generally talk about but it’s worth considering as there’s a 100% chance it will happen to you (and me). But i’d still rather not have a sign with death written on it whilst travelling !

sally, sara and ash

whatever happened to sally, sara and ash you ask ? well, when i moved downstairs they moved over to our other office. Since i was there for the monday-morning meeting i popped in to say hello.
Sara wasn’t there, but sally and ash both say hello. Here they are with their window view. they can see a golfing man on a rooftop and a big red helicopter.
Later, i arrived back at my desk to be informed that the carpets on the stairwell are being replaced so we’ve got to use the lift today.
Here is walter explaining the carpet situation: