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street cleaner

this must be how bees see street cleaners

bagpipe player in the rain

here are some lads on a stag night. the one at the front is playing bagpipes and dressed in all your classic bag piping garb (scottish readers can feel proud).
the long shutter speed (caused by the rainy conditions) and negative effect (thanks to negative photo day) cause a nice trippy effect i think.

mole hole update

remember the mole hole ? well it’s now got two gloves on it and even some blue string. it’s a summary of the week’s blogging in one steaming pile !
also there’s an identical pile of dirt in the street where i live at the moment. perhaps i should dig down and see if they are connected by a tunnel.
the gloves and string don’t show up to well because of my choice of photography style for today. sorry.

other people’s messages

here is a slightly threatening post-it note. it says “next time something is going over”. is this a note from hit man to a client regarding a contract to throw someone off a bridge ? should i phone the police or investigate myself ?

end of lease

contractual information displayed in an empty shop. notice my matrix like appearance in the reflection. that’s what i actually look like.

beer for breakfast

is it ever appropriate to have beer for breakfast ? i occasionally think i might fancy a pint when i’m walking to work. but by then i have been up a few hours. what’s the cut off point before which drinking is unacceptable and you have to admit you have a problem ?
Here is a van advertising Honey Dew, my favourite honey based ale.

no entry

it was snowy this morning. here is a no entry gate
and here are the allotments by the station:


it rained one day on holiday so we went to a dinosaur museum in dorchester. it was a bit dull to be honest. the posters claimed it was a multimedia museum, but that meant a few computers with picture databases on which were built in the 1990s.
here is a dinosaur head:
in amongst all the factual dinosaur stuff they had these to scare little (and big) kids with some imaginary life sized people dinosaurs:
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crazy 3D effects were courtesy of red and blue glasses (very 1980s):
and i was happy to see some jurasic computer history:

weymouth hotels

here is another comedy hotel (real this time). to encourage you to stay in their lovely hotel they had installed an ancient crumbly photo montage showing what the rooms were like. if the quality of the photos was anything to go by, they won’t be having many happy visitors.
left is the board for the board (and lodging) and right is the bedroom
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the wonderful world of physics

There’s a mini-science museum called Discovery in the Brewers Quay in Weymouth and it’s great. it’s three smallish rooms choca with physics stuff you can play with ! esther and i went and it we had the place to ourselves.
esther loved the mirrors best – there was a room where you could go in and shut the door and see yourself off to infinity in all directions.
and i always love a fish eye mirror
highly recommended !

weymouth beach again

last time we were here it was a bit warmer. compare and contrast jane nearly one year previous.
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randomly, round the beach is a load of fencing. thankfully some of this has been kicked in by the locals (i assume) so there are a few holes where pensioners can see the sea through whilst sitting on benches.
who says the youth of today don’t care about the old folk ?

fancy goods, fancy toilet, fancy hotel

Weymouth is a funny place. we saw this woman last time we were there.
here is a shop which sells fancy goods. what are fancy goods ? well they aren’t cigarettes or rock. one man’s fancy is another’s normal. the shop is boarded up. perhaps someone took the owner’s fancy ?
next to the fancy good shop is this excessively elaborate public toilet:
and between the two is this very dodgy looking door which leads to a passageway between the two buildings. it claims to be a hotel !
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starsky and hutch

andrew, who was very kindly babysitting the blog whilst i was away, spotted this Starsky and Hutch photo call today. it’s got the new and the old. and the car.
typical. the one day i’m not in london today and i miss it !
he also sent this glove and this trolley disaster:


what kind of a price is £12 ? £11.99 would have been better.
these little stickers are all over my village on lamposts and stuff. probably some pesky kids. but where were they from originally ? and what was the original price ?
i suspect it was a failed marketing campaign. some bright spark thought he’d advertise his £10 goods as newly increased priced at £12 to see if he could make some money. how foolish he would have felt when he’d realised his own stupidity.

black and white day tomorrow ?

it’s a while since i set myself an interesting challenge so i thought i may have a black and white photo day tomorrow. i’ll set it on my camera rather than remove the colours on my computer.
alternatively i could use the pyschedlic setting which i acidentally actioned for this shot.
what’s it to be ? black and white or psychedlic ?

big mouthed train passengers

the misery of the modern commutter is sound waves. the noise of squealing wheels and brakes, and modern man speaking on his wires free eletrical telephones and magical musical listening lanterns.
i looked out my train window this afternoon and saw a train with a particularly wide mouthed occupant.