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the building next to my office has these two lovely signs attached. here they are for you to enjoy.
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things were different in those days. today we have creams for acne. back then they would weld your pimples off.


london’s hotting up again which is nice. the result is that the natives are shedding their winter coats. here is one example

busiest day

the last few days have been a bit bonkers stats wise !
937 unique visitors on wednesday. it must have been the power of the blog meetup.

is this the art or the packaging ?

i passed this on the way to the station this evening. it’s a load of pallets (you know the things you use to carry heavy things about on lorries) and was outside a non-descript building with seemingly no art establishment connection.
chances are it’s just the packaging, but it could be the art itself. you never know these days.
here is the sign (click for big version to see why i was confused):

if it is the art then it’s ironic because it’s called “bagged” but is actually pallets. if it’s not then it should be the art.
i’m going to email the email address on the sign and see if they can tell me. i’ll let you know.
update: full story here

blue glove

would suite man (or woman) with slightly weird hands

it’s all a bit old

the london underground is so old that they’ve turned it in to a work museum. all the tube stations have been renamed ‘museum’ as have all the tube lines. it’s confusing but a whole lot of nostaligic fun.

a very thin pub

london is full of very thin pubs. this one is very very thin.

poison pen writing

this is a mysterious thing i spotted opposite hte friendless friends sign. it’s a piece of paper with tiny typed words on which has been cut up and stuck on the back of some sticky tape and stuck on the wall.

friends of friendless churches

a friendless church is indeed a very sad thing. but if you are friendless and have a friend you are no longer friendless so you can’t be in it and you are friendless again. and so on. probably

blog meet

i went with grahame (of dragoon) to a london bloggers meet this evening. here is grahame with the world famous annie mole (of going underground)
lots of the people were as you’d expect them to be – proud techno-nerds. but there were lots of jolly people there too. like these two:


poet and cake maker

chalk graffiti

we spotted the chalkers a little down the pavement. but they didn’t want to be photoed.
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lost sign

the sign and sports injury clinic near london bridge

no more flutes

the once common site of london flute shops has sadly dissappeared from many a high street. these poor shops suffered most as a result of fickle londoner’s change in taste away from the metalic wind instruments.
today they’d rather have a reed instrument such as a bassoon or core angerlay (why did i choose that word to spell ?).
cousin mike might be able to give us some more musical knowledge to explain the demise of the humble flute shop

misleading adverts

“freshly made especially for you”. no it’s not.
it’s generic sloppy ice-cream pumped full of air dispensed from a tap.
perhaps they didn’t have enough space on the van to write those words.