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two trees and a cloud

do you need two dead trees and a cloud on your desktop ? if so, click and do the thing.

click for huge

breakfast with a view

i’m working from home today as the office aircon is still on the blink. so here’s some Stockholm pictures instead !
Our hotel room was on the 4th floor so we had room service bring the breakfast and we sat by the window watching the world go by whilst eating ham and cheese sandwiches.

very naughty

this reminded me of this, but obviously not quite as good !

click big biggernisation

an army of fire extinguishers

here are a load of fire extinguishers behind a dusty window on marylebone high street. they look like ghosts. but they are not.

hot hot hot (32C)

it’s like a saunarium in my office today thanks to the lack of committment shown by our aircon machine. still. it’s all good fun
interestingly there’s no maximum temperature rules for UK offices. here’s the official guidance. There’s a man trying to mend it somewhere in the building so hopefully we’ll be icey cool again by tomorrow.

a street tableau

phone box, bin (with leaves), hidden bollard, a white taxi, a drain and a london bus. a classic london street scene.

street eraser

this man has a giant street paint eraser on the end of a pipe. here is a picture which you can click for teeny weeny video.
yes sir. we’ve arrived in the 21st Century.

found photo

it’s been a while since i’ve found a photo. i think this is punishment for not keeping davescollections up to date, but i will update it. soon ok.
so i was delighted to find this scrap of photo this morning on bentinck street where i once found this jewel.
DSC01344.jpg DSC01345.jpg


the olympics have finished and the british atheletes have returned victorious (so i hear on the wireless news forecast). people have a new found interest in sport and have impromtu races whilst going about their daily business.
today, for example, someone has set up some parallel bars which can also be used as hurdles for races up and down edgware road. or ‘The’ edgware road as some people call it.

24 hours

so, here is the photo which won the best photo. i nearly didn’t bother creating it but then had a moment of madness on saturday morning when everyone else was out of the house.

click to be dismayed amazed

signs and wonders

i was doing sound at church yesterday morning. inspired by the reading festival i added a little extra volume and reverb to the occasion.
the services incorporated a number of signs:
and here’s pete hiding behind a sign. he’s the only way you know. jesus not pete.