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odd job pete

it’s been a while since we’ve seen odd job pete doing an odd job around the office. today he’s decided to remove the ice monster from the freezer section of the fridge.
he’s got an elaborate plan which i’m not convinced about.
here is pete a bit later with the ice:
and here with the ice-less freezer compartment (don’t look in to his eyes or you will turn to ice):
i can confirm that it takes the same amount of time for Peter to defrost the fridge as it did for me to have a conference call on the exciting topic of broadband migrations.


my office has come up with a nice idea to try to keep us awake during the day. they’ve placed some random holes in the floor.
i’m going to go to the local charity shop in a minute and buy a cheap rug to put over the top. i’ll then put some nuts in the middle of the rug.
if any wild animals come in to the office, they’ll be attacted to the nuts and will fall in to my trap. we can then cook them for our tea thus saving on sandwich costs AND keeping us safe from wild animals.
and all for the cost of a cheap charity shop rug.



street cabinet

there’s all sorts of regulation about putting equipment in to boxes in the street. telephone companies are the main people that do this. here we see a new approach.
rather than using the traditional black or green boxes they’ve gone for a more contemporary wooden cupboard look. i think it works.

do not steal the signs

this pub has signs screwed in to the tables warning that thieves are in operation in the area. this table didn’t have one as someone had stolen it. luckily they left the screws.

proud fathers and other regulatory stories

i was priviledged enough to be invited to a friend’s leaving do today. lots of ex-colleagues were there including some i hadn’t seen for a number of years.
here is chris and his collection of passport photos. i thought i’d found another collector but in fact he was just a proud father:
here are some of the assembled:
and here are phil and keith. both now retired and having a great time. both of these people had a great influence on me when i started working with them 6 years ago:
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a high number of dustcarts seemed to be a bit broken this morning. i suspect sabatage at the depot.
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it’s a trolley on a trolley watched in the distance by an old lady with a trolley.

strolling through scaffolding

this chap doesn’t care he’s up a scaffolding. but if you can walk in the air then why bother worrying about falling off stuff ?
i’ve never seen a scaffolding incomplete sign before but today saw two in completely different parts of town.

the virgin mary

i took lots of pictures of religious icons in and around churches whilst in belgium. i’ll spread them out a bit so they don’t become too monotonous.
here’s mary in a mental hospital (i’ll explain why i was in a mental hospital another day). the sky, sun and statue really did all like this when i took the photo.

mannequin pis

the famous belgian statue. nearby was one of those comedy tourist things where you can pop your head through for a comedy photo opportunity.
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a few streets away is the girl version. not quite as dignified as the small chap:

hazardous voltage

i was sent this photo from simplegames who spotted it at a festival.
see the angry electicity and be very scared !
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mystery key

john at work has found a key and is trying all the locks to see which one it fits. he’s a modern day mechanical prince looking for his cinderella.
unfortunately he’s completely failed so far, so we turn to you the reader to help us. do you recognise this key ?
if he can’t find where it belongs he’s going to have to go to the cobblers to get a new lock built. and his shoes repaired. and maybe buy a trophy and a cat identity necklace too.

throwing the flag in the bin

my life sometimes seems a race against the bin men. especially when i’m photoing human remains in the street. this morning was a poignant example.
i spotted this union jack flag down in the gutter. i’d just taken a photo of it when a Father Ted Uncle Jack looky-likey street cleaner came along and shoved it in his dustcart.
it was quite a poignant moment. if only i knew what that meant.
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