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November 2010

hotel room controller


i stayed in a hotel last week which had this funky controller for everything in the room.  well some things.

me in the past would have loved to have imagined i’d be staying in a hotel controlled by dials and buttons.  i made full use of them you’ll be pleased to know.

lift troubles


i got stuck in this lift.  twice.  the first one was only a temporary situation.  the second time took longer but i was with a lift engineer. 

i managed to release us but not before he’d scared me to death by jumping heavily up and down to try to jerk the lift in to motion.



pukekos are always about, but they seemed to be loads of them last weekend which delighted me.  as i love them.

four square guy


this is a kiwi classic.  it’s a massive four square guy cut out of corrugated iron.  an iconic figure cut out of a classic kiwi art material

this point


this exact point.  about 1 metre off the ground

this is not a public area


they don’t want bill poster to do their business here because they obviously really care about their appearance