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March 2006

blue glove near a blue bin bag
hidden snow glove
yucky glove on a pile of yucky snow spotted as we slid by on a minibus
leather driving glove

virii or viruses ?

now, i’m useless at grammer and spelling. but i was wondering what the real plural of viruses are (is?) when i sawed this on the street.
i think it probably is viruses rather than virii.
but on the other side of the sign it was missing the final ‘s’
having different spelling on each side suggests they created different versions from scratch. Someone should refer them to a computer centre to tell them they can use computers to avoid having to do such things (they even have speling detecters).

money laundring a speciality

i think it’s quite cute how this nice village bobby is telling you to STOP! and bring your dry cleaning there. but at the same time i’m not sure if i like the threat it implies. will we get arrested if we don’t bring it in ?

outside amenities

our friend big eye likes to watch telly outside. which is a nice plan. assuming it’s not raining.

did prince francis turn up to the closing ?

part of working in london is you see buildings beginning and ending their lives. for every gherkin, there’s a middlesex hospital
there must have been much excitement when the Middlesex hospital opened in 1910.
but now it’s all shut and moved to the fancy new place on euston road
and the old place looks so sad
i’d love to go in and take some photos. but totally unlikely i suspect.


still filming

i squashed my face against the window where they were filming on tuesday and they were obviously coming back.
it’s good to know kitkats are popular in the world of film.