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February 2004

happy valentine’s day

it took me ages to get jane to pose for this photo.

click for big version
here are the fantastic cards i got from my ladies:

two men

here are two people. one is carrying a giant wheel and the other is mostly belly
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patient care

this box is outside a hospital i pass on the way to work. it’s marked ‘outpatients’ and has fragile stickers on it.
patients have to be posted back to their homes to avoid having to buy any more patient ambulances

lost door

a complete doctor’s room was being thrown out, including the door, which magically was standing on it’s own (it’s not leaned against the wall)

street out of order

this post-it note was stuck on the road in a parking space.

long stick

here is a man cleaning high up windows with a brush on the end of a long stick.
you’ve got to love a man with a really long cleaning brush like this. he obviously loved it too as he was smiling at all the passing ladies.

found photo

here’s a photo i found in hyde park this evening. but is it a boy or a girl. i have to decide before i post it on davescollections as this is how i categorise them. sister binky says it’s a boy. what do you think ?
i’ll await some kind of consensus before i post to davescollections.

submitted glove

here is a photo from brother kev (jane’s sister’s husband as seen on the blog at christmas with a low hat – we’ve very informal around here and ignore the traditional ‘in-law’ thing).
it’s a very good picture and would make a terrific background for any desktop.
kev says:
I’ve started carrying my camera around and hey presto, in only three days my first glove.
Totally genuine, found on a tree stump beside a path just behind Elm Park in Thame, Oxfordshire, at about 12.30pm on Thursday 12 Feb 04
And here it is all for you

click for big version

royal anger

there’s been a few stories in the paper about prince harry going out drinking and smoking and generally gavorting.
i suspect it might have been him and his chums who threw this bench in the lake just next to buck-house.


here is some turf near buckingham palace. it looked good so i photo’d it for you. my photo inspired others to take a photo and before i knew it i was the official turf photographer.
a french lady with two teenage girls decided i should take photos of them all next to the turf. she handed me a camera and said “i have two machines” and passed me another.
i was going to get a photo of me taking the photo of them but i didn’t.
here are some end bits:


i’ve never understood why nature has to cover itself with camouflage. what’s it hiding from ? this tree had classic army camo colours (greens/yellow/brown). but i still spotted it.
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a famous person

i took this photo near buckingham palace. an [bunch] ? of police motorcycles bloked the road to allow this car to pass by. i got my camera out just in time.
it’s probably royalty. you can compare to it my previous shot of royalty to be sure.

click to inspect bigger version


i really don’t know why, but i’d forgotten all about slicing loaves of bread. i guess it shows how much i get involved in the domesticity at home. we often get sliced bread and french sticks and other stuff which doesn’t require chopping in the same way.
however, working from home this morning i decided i needed some toast. and there was the loaf ready to cut. however, i’d forgotten about jane (my wife) and my incompatibility in this area.
She cuts at an angle whilst i go for the straight up and down cut. i think it’s to do with how she squashes the loaf with her non chopping hand. to ‘right each other’s wrongs’ we have to chop a wedge shape off, to reset the loaf, and then start our own style
so, once again i am reminded that there are generally two solutions to potential disharmony:
solution by ommission (i go nowhere near the bread (or have my own bread) and therefore don’t cause any trouble)
solution by technology (we buy sliced bread)