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the guitarist


i put the wrong destination in my satnav so ended up 10 minutes walk from where i wanted to be.  so i thought iā€™d walk the ten minutes rather than drive the rest of the way


and on the way i saw a man walking his guitar and some spare shoes




5 thoughts on “the guitarist”

    1. hah. what are the chances of that (probably quite high as i’d just visited the hum salon). the secret is to a series of shots loaded as layers in photoshop, then clicking on ‘align layers’ to get them vaguely to line up. Next step is to create the animated gif using the timeline tool in photoshop, duplicate the timeline then reverse the second half to get the to and fro motion. then crop. simples šŸ™‚ thanks for stopping by!

  1. ‘Cause if you took it on Sunday it’s probably not the Dave I know after all cause I just realised he recently cut his hair šŸ˜€ Cool nevertheless…

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