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blooming ‘orrible

i warned you about blooming over the summer. it’s not just a summer effect though. here is a winter blooming kitkat:
click for big version (yuck)


6 thoughts on “blooming ‘orrible”

  1. They don’t make 5 finger kitkats anymore. That promo ended about 2 months ago. Thats some old stock you have purchased. Check the best before date. Also stop eating chocolate its not in your fancy diet.

  2. I found that the newsagent next to Perugino is notorious for blooming. Most disappointing when I was in a “Wispa Bite” phase a couple of years ago.

  3. did you know the wispa is no more ? i’m looking for a wispa to photo and eat so i can pay homage to this great chocolate bar
    i feel as if i never had a chance to say goodbye

  4. that chocolate bar is disgusting didnt you complain?? because the sel by dat ehad past and you cant eat that so why didnt you return it?? just wondering cause its disgusting!

  5. o no!!! no more wispas! wispamint and wispagold were my pride and joys!!! ooooo i want one now!
    🙁 !!!!!

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