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filming in paddington

they were setting up a BBC outside broadcast studio in paddington. if you are in those parts today you might want to go and have a nosey.
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update: see here


there was the most amazing rainbow on the south bank this evening as i walked to Embankment tube. it was a totally amazing double-rainbow with a full arch. unfortunately i couldn’t fit the full width in with my camera.
click all for bigger versions
from the bridge:

in line with the eye:

somewhere over the rainbow:

a pot of gold in saatchi’s gallery ?

playstation advert

here are some people filming a playstation advert. not sure who they are.
a few minutes before i’d been walking past the National Theatre when i heard there was a book signing so i went in. dunno who it was either, but it was cancelled anyway. so there you go.
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why elderly people shouldn’t do the decorating

i’m sure this headline refers to something horrible, but let’s just pretend it doesn’t for a minute.
perhaps it’s actually referring to an old lady who decided to have a go at her down decorating rather than paying one of those cowboys to do it for her. she paid the price when she tripped and spilt paint on herself.
my headline would have read “grannies – putting the pain back in to paint”.

at the foot of regents street

this boot was at oxford street last night. you can see Regent Street and a bus going by. the bus is stationary. unlike regent street which is heading down towards the river. by now it will be flushed out to sea with a million other shopping streets.

duran duran

well, i don’t know about you, but i was working from home this morning and had to go in to the office for a meeting from 6-7.30pm. so i travelled the 2-hour journey and managed to arrive early.
about 2 days early.
it’s actually on wednesday. so i came back and on the way had a look in the paper and noticed that Duran Duran were signing their new record in HMV on Oxford Street. Aha ! i thought and negotiated the tube system to reach my destination with 15 minutes to spare before they were due to finish their signing.
unfortunately i went to the wrong HMV and ended up arriving at the proper one just after they had stopped letter people in to the queue. so instead i skulked around the barriered off bit and got the shots below (but actually the last load of people didn’t get anything signed so i was better off wandering around instead of being stuck in a queue)
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once they had finished signing there was little interest in the signing table, suggesting it was Simon le Bon and his musican chums people were more interested in. except for this one lady who was inspecting the table for her own interest (probably):
so i left and saw them coming out the side door and climbing in to their cars:
afterwards i read in another london paper that Eddie Izzard and possibly joanna lumley were just down the road in virgin megastore. if i’d known that i would have popped in there too. oh well.

the wretch on the train

you know when they say “sorry, this train is delayed due to an aggressive passenger in one of the carriages. the transport police have been called” ? well that happened to me this evening. and the aggressive person was in my carriage.
it was actually a lady in her 50s who was stubonly refusing to pay her fine. she was more stroppy that aggressive but there was potential for passenger uprising when the ticket man tried to drag her off the station by pulling her handbag and at one point taking her luggage off the train !
then some of the other passengers shouted “oi, you can’t steal that woman’s bags” and another shouted “throw her off, i’m not subsidising non-payers”.
he then went and sat next to her and kept repeating “you are very annoying. get off the train” in a voice which was cross between a robot and monty python. eventually she paid her fine when the fuzz turned up.
so, not only was my journey to london pointless it was also filled with excitement like seeing duran duran and seeing a stroppy middle aged woman.
here she is walking down the platform when she finally got to her destination. i didn’t dare use the flash. but the picture sums up how most of the train was feeling.
erk. too many words in this post. sorry.

where the signs come from

dan sent me these pictures of a sign factory that he passes occasionally. click the pictures for closer inspection.
what if it’s not actually a factory. what if it’s someone’s collection and they’ve disguised it as a factory to stop the police suspecting ? we’ve rumbled them now though haven’t we.