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things have been stupid hectic in the funkypancake household since early june. yesterday i thought i'd have a look through some of the emails i've been sent during that period of time as i knew there were a few photos people have sent me to upload.
so this week i plan to share those outstanding photos with you. whilst i love to see other people's photos it takes extra time to put them on the blog so i've let them slip for a while. this week is catch up week and apologies to anyone who's photos i've missed and/or delayed for ages.
this is my shoe attached to the pointy end of my leg. these shoes (for it's one of a pair) have taken me about 5,500km in the last year and a half which isn't bad really. i bought some new shoes last week which i'm phasing in.
kezia took this photo. she did a lot of zooming in and out before finally taking it, so i think we can safely assume she meant it to look like this. she even added the extra grass for effect.
how's this for a weird thing. on monday i 'lapped' my Canon 350D and went over 9999 shots causing the numbering to reset. This was the first time since i bought it in July 05 and both contain my neice Sarah looking very sleepy (she's usually very jolly)
here is shot IMG_9999.jpg and IMG_0001.jpg
now, the very strange thing is my Sony DSC-W12 camera (my work-a-day camera - (link to the replacement version)) which went over it's 9999 shot count yesterday ! This was the second time since i bought it in August 2004.
and here is DSC00001.jpg (notice the tail being chopped off - by a carving knife no doubt)
so what can we learn ? well, i take more shots with my Canon at weekends than i do during the week with my Sony camera, but i get a higher hit rate of usable blog photos with the Sony as they are more likely to be of nonsense. As shown by the two random samples above.
curling is a funkypancake sport. not because i'm good at it though, because i'm not.
beyond brushes, which are an essential part of the game, you also get to wear the most fantastic shoes.
initially they looked like normal trainers:
but you can pull the rubber bottom off (called a 'kipper') and reveal a super-slippy teflon sole, enabling you to whizz about on the ice like a mad thing
remember the car with the shoe ? i said it was no place for a shoe, but commenter jokey disagreed.
i therefore give you this as further evidence. the shoe has now slipped down on to the bonnet.
cars just don't get it. they have wheels, not feet. it's no wonder things go wrong when they attempt tricks with shoes. it's just showing off. plain and simple.
it's common wisdom that you seldom break two shoes laces at the same time, despite them being an identical pair and they should have identical wear (because most people do both laces up on their shoes)
anyway, here are two broken lace ends. thus disproving the theory
(unless they are the two ends of the same lace in which case the theory remains).
no wonder someone threw this shoe away. it's got a bird poo on it.
how does something like this end up on the street ?
did someone get annoyed with it as they walked along, pulled off their shoes, grabbed the insole and threw it in to the street ?
pewari is a regular reader.
i didn't know this and neither did most of the rest of you i'd guess. but she does and i know that because she told me. in an email.
but not only that, she also sent me this photo which contains not one, not three, but TWO different random shoes.
i've no idea of where she found them, but they look very good. so a big thank you to you (if you are pewari, which at least one of you is).