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« OU - T189
p »
this is an interesting sign. it's proclaiming the fact that we (who are 'we') now feel safer as there's 115 CCTV cameras around and about.
if this was a cutting edge issues-based blog i'd say something comparing this spin to the big brother is watching you state and the new improved speed cameras which are being introduced that will catch even more speeding drivers.
but i won't as i quite like cameras. and i dislike speeding cars. and funkypancake isn't that kind of blog.
slightly unrelated note: bit annoying about the return of the booming-backpackers yesterday (Warren Street is less than 5 minutes walk from my office). still, london's london and we all just get on with life.
i know lots of you read from around the world. london itself hasn't changed. so if you were thinking of visiting, do !
here's a load of cameras
you've heard the saying 'his bark was worse than his bike' well, here is a tree which has chosen to amplify its voice to equalise that equation.