don't forget you can get your funkypancake dummy book from here. a terrific present for all seasons !
we nearly ran over this dummy yesterday. luckily jane was happy to do an emergency stop and ease forward so i could hop out and get a photo.
don't forget you can get your funkypancake dummy books, delivered internationally, from here
the first funkypancake book is published ! It's a book full of dummies and you can get it here
nearly exactly one year on in the same place as live8 i spotted this dummy (and could you imagine my surprise when i saw a Farringdon Lan sign in the background - not really)
i took a picture of this as i thought it was a view of the wireless future where every street or area has its own wifi computer network. Farringdon is fairly high-techy area so that seemed appropriate.
but imagine my surprise when i looked at the photo more closely. click on the picture for a big view and look at the right side of the name plate ! This sign was quite high up the wall and i didn't spot it at the time.
i love it when i discover undiscovered things in my discoveries !
we had just finished practicing with the band yesterday morning when suddenly esther ran in to the marquee and said "quick daddy, you need to come now" in a really urgent voice. i was a bit concerned then she said "you need to bring your camera".
i followed as she ran out in to the field and she she said "look, it's a dummy daddy!". she was very pleased with herself. and so was i.
this toy looks highly loved and no doubt someone would have spent a very sad night without it.
the twin dummy bit is interesting though isn't it ? Perhaps it belongs to (a) siamese twin(s)