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the phrase 'star material' usually means someone has great talent, particularly in the field of entertainment (field of entertainment taken literally could mean Glastonbury festival).

in this case it simply means the upholstery used to cover the chairs


as a blueprint for life, i don't like snakes and ladders. for some in becomes a complete allegory for the rest of their lives:


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Remember my blind photography idea ? Well someone has (independently) taken it forward, which is excellent. i'm really intrigued to see what they come up with !


Thanks to Chris Yuen for pointing this out

i had 23 pence left. so i left it in the street to see who would pick it up and take it away. people came and spoke to me and even offered me more money. i waited some time. then my camera batteries ran out. so i left the cash and went on my way.


here is a close up of the monies

there was a flash mob 10 seconds walk from my office on Thursday evening and I missed it :-(


i like the idea of flashmobs a lot, but some of their randomness/obvciousness is taken away by the very fact they consist of lots of people all doing the same random thing at once.

i much prefer a random list of instructions where individuals go and do their own private mobbing independently, possibly reporting back to a central point. It seems much more surreal for dozens of unconnected people to wander in to their local supermarket and ask for a bag of loagy-beads (made up thing) all on the same day, all around the world. no-one locally would be any the wiser.

I have been (unwittingly) trying to do this with my Instructions For The Week category.

I was inspired by an exhibition at the Royal Festival Hall foyer a few years ago which was about the Fluxus movement

I may consider a new blog to concentrate on this. What do you think ?

Jogsaw, the jigsaw for joggers. beat the boredom, do a jigsaw whilst running.

tests have shown that running for just 15 minutes places the mind in to an alpha state perfectly tuned for the completition of jigsaw puzzles.

don't waste that thought - do a jogsaw

(carry case available at extra cost)

New Product Concept: instant ironing in a can

what does it do ?
instant spray on ironing. simply point the can at a crinkled shirt. spray on the effected area and creases are removed.

how does it work ?
it dissolves small amounts of raised areas of the shirt and moves them to 'trough' areas thus redistributing the material in an even way

is it dangerous ?
only if you use it

the words party and partly are closely related. i've been to three parties in the last few days. all were successful as a 'party', but i wonder what would have made them in to a 'partly'?

Possible a missing cake or the non-appearance of a key guest ? Possibly total lack of interest from the host.

why not throw your own 'partly' and see what (nearly) happens

you can coach people and train people and even drive them
you can transport them to higher planes

makes you think

In my half sleep I remembered this up for the first time:

There are none so blind as those that can't see. Makes you think yes ?

Blind Photography should make you think even more ...

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