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day 7 was a failure in many respects as we didn't achieve anything we hoped for !


we drove for an hour to strumble head, not least because of its excellent name.  but mainly to see if we could see some dolphins.  google maps here and read more about it here and here


it turned out (according to these chaps) that some had whizzed by a few hours earlier, but dolphin sitings are very rare round here.


we looked for a while anyway


then we went in search of a nearby geocache on a hill overlooking the lighthouse, but once again failed


jane tried to move a mountain and kezia had a lie down


even the cows had been packed away in to little black and white bags


so, after lunch overlooking a stoney bay, we went to white sands beach near st david's, but that was so windy the tent nearly blew away (with me in it).  here's jane's sandcastle completely just before we swiftly evacuated the beach


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