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back to the thames path for a very pleasant walk despite the weather forecast predicting a wetting.

starting as we left off last time back at the trout inn

this map is a good representation of our route. nice to know it's a healthy thing to do.

we had a few months off the thames path over winter as we thought it was probably too wet and we risked dropping in (as the thames and the thames path merged). seems that might have been sensible.

the walk is now getting busier, especially as we went through oxford. we played the game of saying hello to everyone we passed to see whether we could get hellos back. our hit rate was quite low.

outside oxford there are loads of boat sheds

and there was some boating competition going on with some bangladeshy media interest.

here are a winning team bailing out

and roughly 10km from our start we ended up at iffley church where we'd parked our car.

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