the highlight of the country fair is the tug 'o' war. local kids get to take on the local cadets and prove once and for all who is the bestest. i suspect it's where the local gangs setlle their scores. it's a very passionate occasion.
of course the civilians won and against the military which was a nice post-iraq statement (in its own way):
this man is a complete star. he comperes the show all day by basically speaking for 7 hours solid and saying whatever comes in to his head. it's completely mad and really funny. probably drives his wife mad.
it wouldn't surprise me if he organises the entire show so he can do his compering turn. whatever, he's the highlight for me each year.
he was in charge of setting up the rope for the tug'o'war as well as judging the winners:
after the matches this man came and took the rope away (i suspect he was going to sell the old thing for cash):
but what of the local kids who'd been whooped up and wished to celebrate their winnings ? well, they had a massive playfight in the middle of the ring, watching by dozens of bemused spectators: