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this is a sign on a train i sometimes get. it worries me.

shouldn't it be the driver's responsibility to make sure he parks the train up properly so people don't drop to the ground when they get out of the door ?



Matts said:

It's cos the HSTs sometimes stop at stations where the platform is shorter than the train is.

The HSE don't let new trains do this because younger generations are unable to look where they are going. Thank goodness for the nanny state!

jake said:

Um, um, uh... Please, PLEASE tell me none of this is true.

I posted similar sentiments just before on the matter of some train station information sign; really just fancied an outlet for some cynicism. But this... this demands response. But what? What can be said?

Observation: this madness, as with the aforementioned demi-madness, has come about from within the wonderful world of the british rail industry. I'll be scouring the sections of this site for more on this topic. I need 'closure' or something (a lot of that in the rail industry).

Oh. Am I the only one utterly poodlewhacked by this? Oh.

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