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this man has a great little vehicle. i saw him approaching and signalled that i'd like to take his photo.

so he stopped next to where i was standing, waited until i got the photo, then moved on his way.

click for desktop sized goodness


Brad said:

Hey! They steering wheel is on the correct side!

funkypancake Author Profile Page said:

excuse me ?

it's in the middle of his vehicle !

where exactly do you live again brad ?


Brad said:

Err...I see that thing I thought was the steering column is the lever that engages the blades. Well, I'm embarrased. I see now you need to find a function that not only filters comment spam, but comment dippiness as well.

However, I remember when I was a kid wishing they had a car with the wheel in the middle, seriously.

Odd Job Pete said:

That's cool having your name on your mower, but I think he has the blades set too low. He has cut the grass right down to ground level

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