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it's been a while since we've seen odd job pete doing an odd job around the office. today he's decided to remove the ice monster from the freezer section of the fridge.

he's got an elaborate plan which i'm not convinced about.


here is pete a bit later with the ice:

and here with the ice-less freezer compartment (don't look in to his eyes or you will turn to ice):

i can confirm that it takes the same amount of time for Peter to defrost the fridge as it did for me to have a conference call on the exciting topic of broadband migrations.


Clups said:

He looks a lot like my retired Geography teacher. Maybe that's what he does in his spare time now...

funkypancake said:

pete - is this true ? did you teach Clups geography ?

Odd Job Pete said:

Here is a geography test for Clups

Q. What is the capital of France?

Tim's dad's Pete's son Tim said:

He's not a retired Geography teacher, he's a very naughty boy!

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