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the word is chimney, but some people say 'chimley' which sounds much nicer. perhaps we should start a campaign to get it changed ?



ant said:

I always thought it was 'chim-ley' , thats always the way i said it, until i was talking to an American friend who said 'chim-in-ey' , and told me how it was spelled (he spelled it right, but pronounced it with an extra 'i' and 3 syllables as above)

I'm from New Zealand, and my Mother is English, maybe thats why i always thought it was chimley.

funkypancake said:

i've a feeling it might be a regional pronounciation in the UK. but i might be wrong. i just like the sound of it !

M Lampton said:

I am from Indiana and we said chimley. It must be old english.

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