the end of the cat
after nearly three months, the hairy cat is finally no more. last seen it was dropped in to water and all the hair fell off. before that it was very hairy.
jane finally tired of the must in the glass so we put it in a bowl and tried to find the little mouse. but there wasn't one ! what a dissapointment.
here are photos of
1) initial tentative searching for the mouse with an old pen
2) more thorough searching /mushing
3) added more water to soak the mouse out
4) admitting there isn't a mouse and flushing down the plug hole
the cat and mouse experiment is now closed. thank you for your cooperation and interest
What, no ceremony?!?
I feel cheated. shall I buy another?
i feel as though the hairysoapcatcompany has ripped us all off. this is a major downer to my day.