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here is a device on the wall in the men's toilets near the business lounge at Tegel Airport. it's obviously measuring something, but what ?

(click for big version)

Travelling is an education. whilst waiting for the plane i learnt how to grow very long parsnips (use a drain pipe) and whilst flying I learnt how to transport pets to australia (use a specialist company - allow for around £1000 per pet including flights (via Bangkok) and quaranteen).


Feisty Girl said:

Man i missed you. Where else am I gonna find someone who will put a poo-meter up on their site?

Tony said:

I'm surprised that you have never been arrested, or at least, "done over", for taking photos in men's toilets.

skepticult said:

This is actually the first poo-o-meter...pooometer...poometer...yeah...that I've ever seen.

It seems to be reading in cubic meters, so it's possible that your joking description is frighteningly close to reality.

Spin the dial, win a prize!

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