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last night whilst walking back to the train station i was listening to an FM radio. However, i experienced electro-magnetic fluctuations which caused the channel to become unlistenable. what else could this have been other than Bush's secret agents secretly communicating ?

i've had enough of all this excitement, so i've decided to go to Berlin for 25 hours. It's a business trip of the worst kind - fly to berlin, taxi to hotel, sleep, get up early for conference, taxi to airport, fly home. no site-seeing for me this time.

i'm not even taking my computer so there may be no blog updates until tomorrow (thursday) pm !


skepticult said:

Technical note: you should set up funkpancake.com (sans www) to point to your website, as well.

Sometimes, I'm just _that_ lazy.

(You cooperation could save me 1500 keystrokes a year.)

skepticult said:

I saved one just then by leaving the "r" off of "your."

Then I wasted it.

Texas T-Bone said:

I was going to change my website to just "T" but I don't think it would work. Just think of all the traffic I'd get through typos!

Hope your trip went well.

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